Test results
After having any tests or investigations (such as blood tests, urine tests, X-Rays and ECGs), please wait 7 days before checking your results. Please note that we will not routinely contact you with your results.
You can call the surgery for your results, or did you know that your results are available 24/7 on the NHS app?
How to view your test results on the NHS App
- Sign up: If you haven’t already, sign up to the NHS app – there is more information on how to do this here
- Sign in: Once you have an account, sign in
- Select ‘GP health record’: – Once you have logged in, you will be led to the home page. On this page you should see the option ‘GP health record’. Alternatively you can press the ‘Your Health’ button at the bottom then select ‘GP health record’. You may need to scroll down to see this.
- Select ‘Test Results’: After selecting ‘GP health record’, you should be led to a page showing your Name, date of birth, NHS number, and address. In the list below this information, select
‘Test results’ - View your results: On this page you should be able to see your results and a short comment from the GP or healthcare professional who reviewed your results. Please note that we will look at the entire picture of the results alongside your health problems, medications and more. Therefore, you may see some results that are out of range – however this is not always concerning and the GP comment gives the most accurate summary of your results. If you have any questions, please call reception to discuss
- I can’t see my results: The results often take time to come back from the lab. Specialist bloods, urines and swabs and X-rays often take longer. If you are concerned and you think the result should be on the app, please give us a call and we can look into it further.